Give Your Family
And Future Generations
The Gift of Health & Healing
Identify and heal negative patterns in your family lineage
Improve relations with your children
Support your grandchildren to manifest their unique gifts
Behavioral Genealogy
Announcing Jim’s newest book.
How Family and Ancestral Lineage Shape Our Lives Book cover image in folder

About Genealogy
By observing the personalities and relationships patterns of past generations we can identify and see how some of our own health, patterns and behaviors are similar to our ancestors. Painful and difficult lives and family patterns without intervention ultimately manifest as illness disease, accidents and compromised relationships in our future generations.
These transgenerational behavioral patterns can easily be identified by observing the structure in the iris of the eye. The colored portion of the eye contains genetic coding that allows us to specifically see the personality, lessons and gifts of your inheritance. You’re right iris contains the inherited patterns from your father and his side of the family, your left eye from your mother and her side of the family.
The iris of the eye reveals the specific gifts and lessons throughout your lifetime. Our personalized assessment gives clear objective plans and proven strategies to break the cycles of pain.
This new understanding adds a new dimension to a genealogical study bridging the gap between personality and our health and our previous generations. Identifying the family lessons and taking pro active measures we can begin to support and heal the our children and grandchildren health learning and behavioral challenges. In addition our studies assists couples to improve the quality of their marriages creating a healthier foundation for their children. Click Here To Learn More
Call Today For a Free Behavioral Genealogy Report Quote!
Call 505.466.4344

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