Healing The Family Tree

Behavioral Genealogy Report

What is included and how the process works:

  1. Get a free Healing Our Family Tree quote
  2. Sign up for a full Iris Family Tree Assessment and apply your investment to our comprehensive Behavioral Genealogy Report.
  3. 50% to get started balance due upon completion
  4. Family appoints “point” person for length of project.
  5. Secure iris images of all family members. We supply iris cameras, shipping and receiving.
  6. Each parent receives a 1 hour video conferencing session, and one hour to support relationship. Children – depending on each child’s unique patterns determine time spent. 30-60 min.
  7. Family Prayer – this could be called a ritual, ceremony, meditation, blessing, your special family prayer is written based on your families’ religion or spiritual beliefs to address and heal the spirit of your core family lesson(s).
  8. 1 Hour Family Tree Assessment (Audio recording), for entire family.
  9. All session work is audio recorded.
  10. Follow up coaching, consulting and healing work is available with long term support. When our process is complete you will know Jim knows your family at very deep and personal levels. His work is more about empowering you and your family, than thinking he did something.


Book a consultation today!