The Gift of Health & Healing

Most everyone at one time or another in their life has asked the questions “Who am I?” “How do I fit in?”  “Where do I belong?”

I have been asking clients for over 30 years. “Do you feel like something is missing, especially in the area of your chest like a hollow or empty feeling, that makes you want to fill it up?” The responses have been an overwhelming “yes.” Could it be that  what we are looking for be is in our family and past generations? A connection that helps us know who we are and where we come from.

You are not the first in your family to experience the feelings you feel. In fact, you are the product of your mother and father who are the product of their

family lineage for generations.

Earth is a school; souls come here to learn grow experience and evolve. When a person incarnates approximately one third of their personality is influenced specifically by their DNA and genes, one third through social experiences and one third by our psyche, (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies).  Each soul chooses their family of origin, geographic, location, religion, time to be born and the best overall life path to reflect what they have come to learn and experience this lifetime.

Intact family units are waning becoming a lost memory. Seldom are parents staying together for more than 15 years, family units are dissolving and younger generations are owned by electronics and technology, what’s happened to our hearts? It hasn’t been the same since, “Leave It To Beaver.” It has needed to change…the question is, what are we changing into?

Did you ever wonder how many of the same family patterns are expressing themselves three or four generations before or after you? If the patterns are about fame fortune radiant health and supportive relationships, bring them on and let them flow. The fact is our children are being and born diagnosed with more serious illness’ and conditions at earlier ages than ever before. From autism, to learning disabilities, behavioral problems and drug addiction.

If you have children these traits have been passed down to your children and their children and will continue to be inherited as we are all choosing each other to experience the lessons inherent in our family’s unique dynamics. There is not much new human beings experience in the way of feelings, what is different is the sociology, culture, religious/political correctness and social acceptability of these behaviors and patterns.

We know that the genes in our DNA give us certain propensities and weaknesses for illness and disease patterns, but they also play a role in the type of person we are; family traditions and sociological norms can keep these patterns in place for hundreds and hundreds of years. There are always black sheep that flee the flock to start a new life elsewhere, but intrinsically their genetic programming will manifest no matter where they go, that is why it is called programing, wherever you go your DNA is with you! These family patterns did not start with you, you are a tooth on the gear of your families history and future. The million dollar question how to we break the cycle of pain and suffering passing on instead love and creativity?

Our elders have special gifts in what they can do for their grown children, grandchildren and great grandchildren.  Their knowledge and wisdom are golden, but only if they leave it. One of the greatest gifts matriarchs and patriarchs can give us are their memories of previous generations, (priceless), and their life story. What their childhoods were like, everything good and bad needs to be recorded. These insights reveal what is coming downstream from our family. This wisdom is priceless and vanishes into darkness as they pass without leaving their legacy. Great-grandparents have a very special place in society as the bridge between what once was and what now is happening in the physical lives of their family’s children their children and future generations.

Since 1987 Jim Verghis has been identifying behavioral characteristics to patterns in the iris of the eye and correlating these patterns to ancestral behavioral influences. These patterns ultimately have a significant role in determining our health and relationships. His research has shown these patterns have a  powerful influence on the types and timing of accidents illness and disease patterns through-out our lifetimes. Interestingly the patterns in our eyes reveal the personality traits we have inherited from our mothers and fathers’ sides of the family. His book Behavioral Iridology: Personality Assessment Through The Eyes published in 2006 identifies what specific structural patterns in the iris of the eye have on personality and relationship attraction.

Did you ever wonder what happens to the strife, struggle, pain our ancestors endured, generation after generation?  The answer is downstream to the future generations. When these patterns go unacknowledged and healed, they gain momentum and potency. Like a snowball going downhill, they gain size and momentum, eventually this pain manifests physically and behaviorally in our children. The rise of children having learning and behavioral challenges is on the rise. From autism to drug addiction our children are under more stress than any time in our history. Now we have maps, and charts that reveal likely physical ailments related to personality types. Treating any disease or illness should be by a trained medical professional, and when we add personality disposition to the equation healing is more efficient.

Our unique system adds an entirely new dimension to the field of genealogy. A family tree assessment when speaking with the matriarch and patriarch allows us to go back in time as their memories will allow. Photographing the eyes of their children and all subsequent generations we can see specifically each individuals inheritance.  By understanding the past we can predict with amazing accuracy the strength stability and challenges our family members are likely to face. Now that we can understand and identify many major contributing factors to disease and illness, we can begin to break the cycles and heal the pain and suffering in our family’s lineage our children and our future generations.

If you are interested in improving the quality of life and health of your children their children and your future generations give them the gift of a Behavioral Genealogy Assessment.
Life takes on an entirely new meaning when you have health and loving relationships. The next step is yours in breaking these destructive cycles. For more information or a free quote on our Family Tree Assessment call email or us. Email link, or contact Jim Verghis 001 505.466.4344 USA, MST.

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