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Behavioral Genealogy Webinars


The Ancestral  Genetics and Psychology Effecting Accidents, Illness and Disease.

Accidents, illness and disease are actually not accidents at all, they happen for a multitude of reasons and are “on purpose”. There are numerous factors and angles beyond the noticeably  obvious. Our psychology and unseen worlds and the pattens in our families’ lineage play a major role in the events that influence and shape our lives.  Jim will share the charts. tables and maps to understand ancestral influences and the lessons they represent as contributing factors to our most difficult challenges in life.

Ancestral Genetics and Psychology Affecting Behavioral Patterns and Relationships Dynamics

We were raised by our parents who were raised by their parents; these behavioral patterns naturally influence  us from birth throughout our lives. Our parents actions become the behaviors we are likely to act out later in life, without intervention.  The numbers don’t support relationships or marriages lasting over 50% of the time.  We will use patterns in the eyes to help identify specific gifts and lessons from our families. The right eye contains the genetic blueprint from our father and his side of the family, and our left eye the genetic blueprint from our mother and her family. Theses family relationship patterns are part of your nature. As you explore your relationship history stories from your family as sure to have a similar theme.

How To Chart Your Family Tree With Behavioral Genealogy

Welcome to a revolutionary new way to chart and assess your family history.  With half a dozen simple questions we can explore and acutely postulate the lessons and behaviors and feelings you have inherited.. Charting this information and understanding the dynamics of their lives will shed light on these topics pertinent to your life.  Your thoughts feelings and actions did not start with you, they are part of your family dynamic and have been handed to your children and grandchildren. Chart them and work with them, let’s hand gifts to our children not our unresolved pain.

Personality and Iris Patterns, Using The Eyes to Determine Your Genetic Inheritance

The structural patterns in the iris of the eye not only determine our personality type, but what we inherited genetically from our father and his side of the family our right eye and our mother and her side the family, our left eye. If you’re a man we can look in your left eye to see your relationship to women and if you’re a woman we can look in your right eye to see your relationship to a man these powerful factors affect intimate relationship attraction. Each pattern contains lessons. Lessons come in layers and levels; playing a proactive role creates growth positive growth in the journey of life. As we make informed decisions we get better results. The eyes are a map that tell the story of your life, you are the author, what’s the next chapter going to  read like?

How to Determine Personality Types From Pictures Using Body Type, Birth Order Position and Bio Markers.

Putting all of our tools together family tree behavioral history, patterns in the eyes, birth order, body type and health history, Behavioral Genealogy is one of the most accurate personality typing systems on the planet today. We gather knowledge from multiple sources angles and aspects. Assimilating this information begins to tell a story and unfold characteristics about who you are and how you socially interact what you are naturally good at and the challenges you will face in relationships.  A picture tells a 1000 stories when you have a system to read and interpret  them. Take this information with a gain-of-salt, try it out on yourself, you be the judge. Experiencing how it helps you will activate who in your family would benefit from it. This is a powerful way to heal ourselves and our families.

Webinar Iris Series

Basic Iris Interpretation

6 Lesson Series

Course Description

Learn the basics of how to interpret iris patterns for personality. In this six lesson series participants are encouraged to email their iris images for use during the entire course.  The knowledge and value of this work validates itself when you see how this all works based on your own eyes and personal experiences!

All sessions are recorded for class members and included for download.

Lesson 1  –  Iris identification and Interpretation, 60 min.

Learn to identify 2 primary iris types and four social expressions. We will cover the meanings of each of these types and expressions.

Lesson 2  – Iris Positions Part I, 60 min.

Iris positions represent specific personality and character traits in an individual. There are 28 iris positions of which we will break into two segments part one and part two. Our right eye is the relationship to our father in the material world and our left eye is our mother and our creativity. In this lesson we will cover beginning with the area of the Heart in the right eye going counterclockwise to the position of Spirituality.

Lesson 3 – Iris Positions Part II, 60 min.

Review part one from the previous lesson then begin with the iris position of Self-Reliance moving counterclockwise in the right eye to the position of Rebellion

Lesson 4 – The Expression, Ring Introversion – Extroversion, 60 min.

The expression ring is an indicator as to how we process information and experiences either internally or externally. Expand your knowing of these two powerful personality modifiers how they shape our lives and affect our relationships.

Lesson 5 – Brain Dominance, 60 min.

Hemispheric brain dominance is likely one of the greatest modifiers of personality. We will cover the basic implications of being more left brain logical and linear or more right brain creative and spontaneous. Everyone goes through long-term cycles of accessing either of these hemispheres let’s see to determine which hemisphere is more dominant and how it affects our personality health and well-being.

Lesson 6 – Case Studies, Putting It All Together, 60 min.

As is the case in this webinar series we will use iris patterns of class members for our case studies putting together all that we have learned to do an awesome basic iris interpretation.

Webinar Family Series

How Family and Ancestral History Shape Our Lives

6 Lesson Series

Course Description

Something all humans have in common is a mother and father and a family lineage, know them or not. Experiences  we have, our children our great parents had  are handed down generation to generation. To understand our lives where we have been and where were going charting the quality of our previous generations relationships will show us what’s coming from upstream to us and our future generations. Let’s pass on the good to our children and future generations not our unresolved pain,. the world will be a better place for it.

In this series e will learn the meanings of six brothers and six sisters connected to our 12 grandparents and how to work with the virtues of the grandparents to heal our bodies and our relationships. All sessions are recorded for class members and included for download.

Lesson 1 – How To Determine Birth Order Position, 60 min.

First we will learn how to determine your genetic birth order position based on the father’s lineage. how we were raised socially takes precedence over our genetic sequencing. including the loss of a parent, divorce, mixed families and so on. There can be several factors influencing us from our life experiences modifying our personalities. We will also introduce six brothers and six sisters.

Lesson 2  – Six Brothers And Six Sisters,  60 min.

We will cover the individual characteristics of six brother and six sisters, similarities, how to parent them, and how they affect our careers and social interactions.

Lesson 3 – Birth Order Combinations, Ancestral Connections, 60 min.

Review of six brothers and sisters and learn to determine our grandparent of origin. We will cover the archetypal qualities of each of the 12 grandparents positions which include our grandparents and their parents our great grandparents.

Lesson 4 – Grandparents And Their Combinations, 60 min.

Each of our grandparents have a gift for us different from the other 11. Our grandparents on the father side of the family are far different than the grandparents on our maternal side. When we bring them together in combinations these energies can be used for healing the body and spiritual aspects of negative patterning.

Lesson 5 – Charting Our Grandparents In Our Bodies, 60 min.

Learn how to use and interpret our timelines, organs, glands, body correspondence, and family tree chart. These charts are powerful tools for determining the feelings, lessons, and medicine needed for healing our bodies and our relationships.

Lesson 6 – Case Studies, Putting It All Together, 60 min.

We will cover how to chart the family tree and will use attendees family histories as case studies as we put our learning together into a comprehensive assessment.


Psychology of Intimate Relationships

6 Lesson Series

Course Description

Welcome to the Psychology of Intimate Relationship webinar series, where we use your iris patterns and family history to determine the dynamics of your relationship. The more you and your partner are opposite the more exciting, and passionate your interactions, and of course, conflicts can be just as passionate. The more you’re similar to your partner the more friendship kindness and stability. We will identify your iris  patterns creating attraction and repulsion. For those change “the windows to your soul) are the perfect place to begin. Knowledge is power, based on a couples commitment to initially know themselves lie the secrets to creating an awesome relationship.

Singles and couples are encouraged to submit pictures of their eyes for use in these lessons.

Lesson 1 – 4 Relationship Combinations   60 min.

There are four relationship combinations based on iris type. Identifying your type opens the door to understanding your relationship dynamic. An easy and understandable way to understand yourself and your partner from a fresh perspective. Now that we see the patterns a specific plan can be created to bring enhance the romance while creating sustainability with your beloved.

Lesson 2 – The Nature of Relationship Attraction    60 min.

The forces that bring a couple together can tear them apart. Like  magnets opposite polarities create attraction. The greater number of factors the more potent the relationship. There are always multiple factors that brought you together, your iris patterns and family history contain the answers. It’s much easier to operate a Volkswagen than a Maserati, they will both get you to the store, it just depends on how exciting you want the trip to be!

Lesson 3 – Relationship Dynamics     60 min.

There are myriads of factors creating relationship dynamics, however certain key topics deserve our attention and discussion. They include the inner child, brain dominance, Iris positions, family history, communication, breaking patterns of codependency all based in the perceptions of ourselves and self-love. This is an exhilarating lesson that can go in many directions, join in for the fun.

Lesson 4 –  Communication   60 min.

Likely the most important aspect in relationships is our ability to communicate. Good communication creates connection, rapport, and trust with your partner. The secret is to know what you are feeling and what you need with the ability to present it with clarity and kindness, not judgment and criticism.

Lesson 5 – Couples Agreements, Tools And Exercises 60 min.

Having agreements in place will support a relationship to grow safely and in a contained environment. Making commitments for honest communication and openness will allow each partner to know themselves at a deeper level, it is with self-confidence that the foundation of a healthy partnership is realized by each partner.

Lesson 6 – Experiential Case Studies, Putting It All Together, 60 min.

In this lesson we will use participants iris patterns to put what we’ve learned in the previous five sessions to work practically. From identifying the factors of attraction similar lessons for each partner and tools for resolution this is where the rubber meets the road.